08 July 2020
Municipal Libraries allowed to open
Bergrivier Munisipaliteit kan bevestig dat alle biblioteke word nou toegelaat om oop te maak vir die publiek volgens die Staatskoerant Kennisgewing No.751. Die munisipaliteit is tans besig om al die nodige COVID-19 protokolle in plek te stel om die gesondheid en veiligheid van alle personeel en kliënte te verseker.
Daarom sal ons die publiek in kennis stel sodra ons ten volle in werking is.
Ons bedank u vir u geduld en begrip gedurende hierdie periode.
Ons sien uit daarna om u te dien!
Uitgereik deur: Kommunikasie Eenheid
Bergrivier Munisipaliteit
Bergrivier Municipality can confirm that all libraries have now been permitted to open for the public as per the Government Gazette Notice No.751. The Municipality is currently busy
putting all the necessary COVID-19 protocols in place to ensure the health and safety of all staff and clients.
Therefore, we will notify the public as soon as we are fully operational.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this period.
We are looking forward to serving you!
Issued by: Communication Unit
Bergrivier Municipality