Bergrivier Municipal Notices
Bergrivier Municipality's Bergrivier Bulletin September 2024 edition is now out and contains plenty of municipal news for readers to keep abreast with developments in the area. Some news includes: Delegation visits Goedverwacht regarding water problem; Stap and Trap for persons with special needs; Municipality committed to investing in its future leaders; Upkeep of overgrown properties; Bergmun welcomes newly appointed Manager: PMU; How to obtain building plan approval; and Madiba Magic in Bergrivier Municipality; and more. Please click >> here << for more information. we will no longer accept Hard-copy building plan applications. All submissions must be made through our new online portal. This transition marks a significant step towards a more convenient, efficient, and sustainable future for our municipality. Please click >> Here << for Access to the Electronic Building Plan Portal . Please click >> Here << for Access to the Building Control Application Forms . |
Bergriver Municipality would like to invite all households that want to register as needy households and are eligible for free basic services, to visit their nearest municipal office. \ Bergrivier Munisipaliteit nooi graag alle huishoudings wat as hulpbehoewende huishoudings wil registreer en vir gratis basiese dienste in aanmerking wil kom, om hul naaste munisipale kantoor te besoek. |
We encourage all local businesses in the Bergrivier Municipal Area to register on the Central Supplier Database (CSD). For more information contact the following Supply Chain Management officials at: Nelmarie Bothma (Manager: Expenditure and SCM) 022 913 6065, Shaun Wilschut (Head: Assets and SCM) 022 913 6080 and Revedy-Levern Hendricks (Accountant: SCM) 022 913 6036. \ Ons moedig alle plaaslike ondernemings in die Bergrivier Munisipale Gebied aan om op die Sentrale Verskaffersdatabasis (SVD) te registreer. Vir meer inligting kontak die volgende amptenare in die Voorsieningskanaalbestuur (VKB) by: Nelmarie Bothma (Bestuurder: Uitgawes en VKB) 022 913 6065, Shaun Wilschut ( Hoof: Bates en VKB) 022 913 6080 en Revedy-Levern Hendricks (Rekenmeester: VKB) 022 913 6036. . |
Important Municipal Notice: NERSA publishes proposed municipal electricity tariffs for comment NERSA invites all stakeholders to submit their comments on the published tariff See Link of the official notice by NERSA below. \ Belangrike Munisipale Kennisgewing: NERSA publiseer voorgestelde munisipale elektrisiteitstariewe vir kommentaar NERSA nooi alle belanghebbendes uit om hul kommentaar oor die gepubliseerde tarief aansoeke in te dien, vir die 2024/2025 finansiële jaar. Please click here>> NERSA publishes proposed municipal electricity tariffs for comment << for the Notice Please click here>> Begrivier Municipality Live Meetings << for the Live Stream. Click On The Link Below for SSEG Documents Please click here>> SSEG Notices << for the Documents. |