Bergriver Municipality would like to invite all households that want to register as needy households and are eligible for free basic services, to visit their nearest municipal office.
Customers can apply for indigent subsidies if the total household income of all members of the household living on the premises is less than R5 000 per month. If you qualify for this, your monthly bill will be subsidized by up to R743,90. This amount includes 6kl of free water. Come find out how the process works. For more information on charity grants, call Mabel Fortuin (Piketberg) on 022 913 6061 or Estralita Schreuder (Porterville) on 022 931 8420 or Alecia Carstens (Velddrif) on 022 783 8313. We serve with pride and we are always there to help you!
Bergrivier Munisipaliteit nooi graag alle huishoudings wat as hulpbehoewende huishoudings wil registreer en vir gratis basiese dienste in aanmerking wil kom, om hul naaste munisipale kantoor te besoek.
Verbruikers kan aansoek doen vir ’n deernis-subsidie indien die totale huishoudelike inkomste van alle lede van die huishouding wat op die perseel woonagtig is, minder as R5 000 per maand is. Indien u hiervoor kwalifiseer sal u maandelikse rekening met tot soveel as R743,90 gesubsidieer word. Hierdie bedrag sluit 6kl gratis water in. Kom vind uit hoe die proses werk. Vir meer inligting oor deernis-subsidies, skakel Mabel Fortuin (Piketberg) by 022 913 6061 of Estralita Schreuder (Porterville) by 022 931 8420 of Alecia Carstens (Velddrif) by 022 783 8313. Ons dien met trots en is gereed om u te help!